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Scaling PLG: Global growth without the chaos

Join Paddle CMO, Andrew Davies as he discusses the principles of scaling SaaS PLG, the other roadblocks to internationalization, and provides practical takeaways to solve the challenges of efficient growth.

1 hour

Originally streamed Sep 19, 2023

What's this session about:

Everyone wants growth. But growth brings complexity. Even if you've built a friction-less product-led growth model for your SaaS, every new pricing tier, each new territory, a new customer type brings new headaches.

Over the past 10 years, product-led growth (PLG) has proven to be incredibly effective at generating low-cost customers globally, therefore making PLG businesses international from day one. And most businesses don't stay product-only. It isn't enough to drive contract value, so sales teams are hired to build upmarket.

Your revenue org needs a system that does all of this well, when current tooling is inadequate to fully address these needs. Otherwise the hidden challenges start becoming growth blockers.

Key takeaways:

  • The principles of scaling SaaS PLG
  • Roadblocks to internationalization
  • Practical takeaways to solve for efficient growth

Andrew Davies

CMO, Paddle