
Selling your mobile app on the web: Proven tactics to earn more revenue

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Get started with Paddle

Paddle BillingThe only complete merchant of record solution purpose built for software businesses.
ProfitWell MetricsReal-time subscription analytics, 100% free.
RetainReduce churn by up to 30%, automagically.
Price Intelligently by PaddlePricing strategies that accelerate your business' growth.

Start selling quickly

Integrate with developer-friendly APIs and start selling internationally quickly

Keep things simple

With a singular integration, Paddle's unified payment infrastructure let's you focus on your product, not your billing

Purpose-built for software companies

With our focus on software, we have nine years of experience helping over 3000+ software businesses to launch, run & grow

Join 4,000+ software businesses already selling with Paddle

Romain Ouzeau, CEO, Iconosquare

Switching to Paddle meant that we could remove some of the other tools we were using to manage billing. This, along with the time we are saving our development, finance, and legal teams, means we’ve cut billing costs by 15%.

Resume.io logo

Menno Olsthoorn, Managing Director, Resume.io

Paddle has really helped us scale. We can process more and more transactions without having to worry about sales tax implications or creating more admin for the team.

Adam Wathan, CEO, Tailwind Labs

We have a lot more control over the checkout experience now. It’s on brand and cohesive with our website, which really increases customer trust in the experience.

Sara Tandowsky, VP of Operations, Framer

Paddle has been an integral part of our enterprise journey, providing support with billing and licensing deals that has helped increase our global revenue growth.

Patrick Müller, Product Manager, Crawlbase

With Paddle, we can reach a wider global audience and localize their experience more easily. It helps us respond to new opportunities as we find them, rather than spending time implementing new tools and processes.

Tobias Günther, CEO, Tower

Paddle has been a trusted partner in helping Tower switch to a SaaS billing model and target larger enterprise accounts successfully.

Thomas Steur. Lead Developer, Matomo

I don’t have to spend time fixing issues in Paddle, It just works. This gives me back at least 3-4 hours a week which I can then spend on developing our product.

Romain Ouzeau, CEO, Iconosquare

Switching to Paddle meant that we could remove some of the other tools we were using to manage billing. This, along with the time we are saving our development, finance, and legal teams, means we’ve cut billing costs by 15%.

Resume.io logo

Menno Olsthoorn, Managing Director, Resume.io

Paddle has really helped us scale. We can process more and more transactions without having to worry about sales tax implications or creating more admin for the team.

Adam Wathan, CEO, Tailwind Labs

We have a lot more control over the checkout experience now. It’s on brand and cohesive with our website, which really increases customer trust in the experience.

Sara Tandowsky, VP of Operations, Framer

Paddle has been an integral part of our enterprise journey, providing support with billing and licensing deals that has helped increase our global revenue growth.

Patrick Müller, Product Manager, Crawlbase

With Paddle, we can reach a wider global audience and localize their experience more easily. It helps us respond to new opportunities as we find them, rather than spending time implementing new tools and processes.

Tobias Günther, CEO, Tower

Paddle has been a trusted partner in helping Tower switch to a SaaS billing model and target larger enterprise accounts successfully.

Thomas Steur. Lead Developer, Matomo

I don’t have to spend time fixing issues in Paddle, It just works. This gives me back at least 3-4 hours a week which I can then spend on developing our product.