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An update on Paddle In-App Purchase for iOS

It’s been some time since we first talked about the Epic vs Apple case , so we wanted to give you a quick update on our progress towards our upcoming solution for In-App Purchase (IAP) in iOS applications. 

This blog was first published a few weeks ago. At the time, our iOS SDK was in testing and we were adding even more functionality to make it easier to implement our alternative to Apple’s native in-app purchases into your iOS apps. 

You might remember we were waiting for Apple to clarify what will be allowed regarding third-party IAP payments before we could launch on December 7th. 

But here’s the catch. 

While we have completed the testing process and are fully ready to launch - today is not that day. We now have to postpone our launch as Apple and their legal team still haven’t shared the necessary technical changes and new rules, which enable app developers and alternative solution providers (like us) to be fully compliant. 

With the deadline set by the Court for Apple to share guidelines on IAP payments of December 9th fast approaching, we’re expecting to hear an update soon. We’ll be sure to keep you in the loop. 

In the meantime, here’s what you need to know about Paddle In-App Purchase:

As we wait for clarification on what will be allowed regarding third-party IAP payments, we’ve kept our version simple and lean, with a focus on ease of integration. This SDK will let you: 

  • Launch a Paddle Checkout for a one-off or subscription product
  • Track its completion so that you can give access to the product the customer has purchased

You will also be able to make use of the features of the Paddle Platform, such as Webhooks and Subscription APIs, in order to keep track of the status of any subscriptions. 

Our launch will include the iOS SDK, as well as the supporting documentation and guides required to implement it within your app. 

We will also introduce our new micro-transaction pricing. A flat 10% fee for transactions less than $10 will give you the ability to charge smaller amounts without incurring the hefty fees seen elsewhere. 

The Paddle team has been working hard preparing for the launch and planning events for the developer community - so keep an eye out for future updates 

Until the next Epic vs Apple announcement, folks 👋

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